Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Different religious and political parties holds rally for Kashmir

Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan: Today in Hyderabad different religious,political, social and other parties holds rally and protest against India, and in favor of Kashmir 

Thousand of peoples come on road to take part in the protest they holds banners and play cards during the protest, women' also take part out side Hyderabad press club 

The protesters were holding Kashmir flags and shout against India and Indian Prime Minister during there protest  

Hindu community celebrates there holy festival Nivratri

 Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan: Hindu community all over in the world is celebrating there holy festival called Nivratri,

Hindu peoples in Pakistan also celebrates this event in very religious way, In Hyderabad city Hindu peoples gathered at a local temple to celebrate this festival they were there traditional dresses, pray for there future and also perform religious dramas and teblos .

Women's children also take part in a large number to celebrate this festival, Hindu from around different areas come to this temple at Circuit house 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

PTA warn's not to use public WiFi of cyber attacks amid COVID-19 crisis

Islamabad Pakistan: The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority PTA advised peoples not to use public WiFi services, warning of possible cuber attack through message pretending to contain COVID-19 information

In the statement the PTA told peoples to be wary of text messages claiming to provide information and update on COVID-19 virus. Its added that everyone should refrain from using open WiFi at public location

Internet services providers were also cautioned to remain alert Corona virus related cuber attacks
The telecom regulatory body said online criminals including hackers were attempting to get financials benefits from the name of the pandemic entire system could be hack if files attached in suspicious email were downloaded.

The PTA also cautioned providing passwords and personals data and credit card information  anywhere online peoples should update there software application as well

Peoples should only use trustworthy links and websites for downloading purpose PTA 

Federal Minister Fawad Chaudhry share list of Sub Standard sanitizers list

Hyderabad Sindh Federal minister for Science and technology Fawad Chaudhry on Friday share a list if companies that were found involved in making sub standard sanitizers

The demand for sanitizers has sky rocketed in recent weeks as peoples stocks up on the commodity to protect them self from the Corona Virus

Fawad had last week ask the Pakistan Standard and Quality Control Board to sample sanitizers sold in the open markets and compile a report on their quality, he also share the list of  23 companies on his Twitter account 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Civil Award to be Conferred on Doctor who lost life treating Corona virus patients

Hyderabad Sindh Gilgit Baltistan Governor Raja Jalal Hussian on Wednesday approved a summary to confer civil award on Dr Usman Riaz after he lost his life treating Corona Virus patients

Dr Riaz a young physician from GB region become the first Pakistani doctor to die after contracting the virus on the job, he was a part of the 10 member team tasked with screening patients returning from downtown, particularly those arriving there from Iran via Taftan. He later started providing services to the suspect patients in isolation centers established from them in Gilgit.

The USA and France   have praised Pakistani doctors in their fight  against the virus.

The Doctor colleagues told to the media that Dr Riaz had ignored his health and served the patients till late night as the patients had never been provided with any services before, Dr Riaz then shifted to the provincial headquarter Hospital (PHQ) in Gilgit city where he was put on a Ventilator and given a swab test which confirm him as a positive case 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Saylani Welfare distributed food among needy families

Hyderabad Sindh Saylan Welfare Organization has distributed food bags of daily use items among the needy families and persons during the lock down situation the Hyderabad city by the Corona Virus at Latifabad fly over, during the distribution thousand of peoples including women's came and stand in line to collect the bags through a given token format. Photo by Jan Ali Laghari 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Registration for Corona Relief Tiger Force Starts from March 31

Islamabad Pakistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan said that the registration for the Corona relief tiger Youth team will start from March 31,

According to the Youth Affairs Minister citizens would be able to volunteer for the force through the PM office portal by filling out a digital form, Those are interesting will have to provide there name, age, phone number and union council on the form to register for the force only those above the age of 18 can register fro the force, the registration will end in April 10

The Ministry also said that volunteer from each union council would be tasked with delivering food at the homes of the most vulnerable segment of the society, member of any party can register to volunteer, these volunteer will work under the deputy commissioner of each district 

Model Shoot